Models of digitally mediated pedagogical interactions in Paraguay
pedagogical interaction, digital teaching, pedagogical model, sixth grade, SpanishAbstract
The article presents the models resulting from the pedagogical interaction found when analyzing the pedagogical practices in Spanish in sixth grade mediated by digitality in times of pandemic in the Paraguayan territory. Reference is made to the theoretical framework for the identification of pedagogical models, the methodology used for the recording and analysis of synchronous virtual classes, the pedagogical models found, and the main conclusions. A sample of 29 synchronous Spanish classes in sixth grade was recorded and analyzed by coding with pre-established and emergent analysis categories, using Maxqda2020 software. The four models found are described in the article. The study is part of a research project aimed at analyzing the pedagogical interaction between students and teachers mediated by the ‘your school at home’ platform in sixth-grade Spanish classes in educational institutions in Paraguay.
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