Analysis of the stages of civic participation in three public Teacher Training Institutes of Paraguay, year 2018


  • Ingrid Natividad Duarte Maciel Universidad Iberoamericana, Paraguay



citizen participation, institutional management, institutional support bodies


The research focused on the analysis of the functioning of the instances of citizen participation (IPC) as support bodies for the Teacher Training Institutes (IFD) of the country; To do this, it was inquired about the entities formed, the institutional work mechanism that they implement and the contributions made to the management. For this purpose, the approach of a mixed investigation with a descriptive, cross-sectional scope and microsociological breadth was used, where the population was composed of directors, teachers and students of the three official management DFIs that correspond entirely to the same department. geographic area of Paraguay, which cannot be specified due to the confidentiality agreement signed with them. The sample was determined by the non-probabilistic method (for convenience) applying surveys and interviews as data collection techniques. The results indicated that the IPCs formed in meetings and work tables, are the Institutional Management Teams (EGI) and the Student Commissions, they meet according to the needs of the institution, have a high degree of recognition by the educational community and provide contributions to the institution, such as support and decision-making regarding the Institutional Educational Project, the Annual Operational Plan and the Improvement Plan. It is also determined the need to strengthen other instances where all the actors have the possibility to participate actively, applying assembly procedures for the elections of the members, giving systematicity to the meetings for decision-making, expanding their contribution within the provisions of the norm. for the EGI and widely disseminating decisions and activities to counteract the ignorance expressed by other actors.


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Author Biography

Ingrid Natividad Duarte Maciel, Universidad Iberoamericana, Paraguay

Profesora de Educación Escolar Básica (1° y 2° Ciclos), Especialista en Evaluación Educativa, Evaluación Institucional, Didáctica Superior Universitaria, Gestión Educativa, Técnico Docente en Educación Inclusiva, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con Énfasis en Lengua y Literatura Castellana y Orientación Educativa, Magíster en Educación con Énfasis en Gestión Educativa de Calidad, actualmente cursando el noveno semestre de la carrera de Derecho. Experiencia en cargos docentes en instituciones oficiales de EEB, de gestión en una universidad privada y en instancias desconcentradas del MEC (regional y departamental), actualmente es Docente de carreras grado y postgrado en universidades públicas y privadas, Coordinadora de la Unidades de Investigación y de Bienestar Estudiantil en un Instituto de Formación Docente de gestión oficial del país.



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How to Cite

Duarte Maciel, I. N. . (2020). Analysis of the stages of civic participation in three public Teacher Training Institutes of Paraguay, year 2018. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 9(1), 90–103.



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