Planning the teaching-learning process, from the perception of teachers of psychopedagogy and educational sciences, Universidad Iberoamericana
planning, teaching-learning process, higher educationAbstract
The planning of the teaching-learning process is the first great area of competence and the usual task of the teacher at all educational levels. The general objective of this article focused on analyzing the importance of planning the teaching-learning process in Higher Education, from the perception of teachers of the Psychopedagogy and Educational Science careers at the Universidad Iberoamericana. The study responds to the positivist paradigm, with a non-experimental design, with data that could be analyzed statistically, for which a matrix was created that had dimensions and variables that were analyzed through items, with statements presented in an online survey administered to a sample of 23 teachers from the Psychopedagogy and Educational Science careers at the Universidad Iberoamericana, in the month of October 2021. Among the main findings, it stands out that according to the teachers’ perception, planning the teaching-learning process: It is a function of the teacher that is consigned in the Law of Higher Education and in the employment contract that they have signed in the institution, which has the advantage of organizing the work of the teacher and promoting good performance and that time presents itself as challenges. and the need for continuous training.
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