Analysis of strategies applied by agricultural entrepreneurships in the department of San Pedro, Paraguay. Year 2021
peasant family agriculture, rural development, agricultural management, agricultural economyAbstract
The objective of this research study was to reveal the strategic guidelines applied by agricultural entrepreneurships in the department of San Pedro. The field research design was quantitative non-experimental. Due to the approach that was given to the respondents, the in-depth interview method was chosen. The data collection instrument was applied to managers of 13 farms. For the diagnosis and presentation of the strategic guidelines, the SWOT Analysis was applied. The results revealed that the entrepreneurships were family-type with up to 10 people involved. The 57% of the farm size was dedicated to beef farming, 24% to agriculture, 6% to family orchards, 5% to small livestock, 7% to dairy farming and 1% to other activities. The 57% of the farms were within the dimensions to be considered peasant family agriculture. It is concluded that the strategy for a typical entrepreneurship in the area should include developing the market by delivering a better-quality product that allows having other actors in the supply chain to the consumer. To improve quality and ask for a fair price, the application of resources should be optimized, which would achieve a double goal of reducing costs and repelling smuggling by providing competitive prices. This optimization of resources can occur with advisory regarding the supply, possible production and application of inputs. Finally, formal training in financial planning should be encouraged.
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