Importance of the soybean production in the paraguayan economy in 2021
soy, international markets, export, generation of foreign exchange, jobsAbstract
The general objective of the work was to describe the importance of soybean production in the Paraguayan economy in the year 2021. An investigation was used through the documentary review technique, cross-sectional and descriptive. Publications on the production and commercialization of soybeans in Paraguay were analyzed through a search in academic Google. Paraguay is among the six largest soybean producers worldwide and the fourth largest exporter. Soybean exports have reached USD 2,975.1 million with 28.2% of the total share of exports registered in 2021. It is concluded that Paraguay is a relevant country for the production of soybeans and their production. as commercialization, moves other economic sectors of the country. Finally, the support of the State is recommended to encourage small producers in the cultivation of soybeans, with actions carried out through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
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