Quality in the performance of substantive functions after the accreditation of the Universidad del Norte Medical School from the perception of students, period 2019-2020





accreditation, quality, teaching, research, social projection


The research focuses on analyzing the quality of the fulfillment of substantive functions after the accreditation of the Medical Career of the Universidad del Norte from the perception of students during the period 2019-2020. The general objective was to analyze the impact generated by the accreditation on the quality of the Medical Career of the Universidad del Norte from the perspective of students during the period 2019-2020. Methodologically, it is a nonexperimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative approach with non-probabilistic sampling for 182 students. The most relevant results show that students are satisfied with the methodology of the teaching-learning process taught within the career, however, concerning research and social projection, 42% mentioned a lack of knowledge about student participation in this area. It is concluded that there is a positive impact after the accreditation of the career, from the perception of the students since more than 50% responded positively regarding points corresponding to the accreditation.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Del Rocío Quintana López, Universidad del Norte, Facultad de Medicina. Asunción, Paraguay.

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Magíster en Aseguramiento de la Calidad en Educación Superior. Magister en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialista en Evaluación de Educación Superior. Especialista en Metodología de la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica. Especialista en Investigación Social y Tutoría de Tesis. Especialista en Educación en Entornos Virtuales


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How to Cite

Quintana López, B. D. R. (2024). Quality in the performance of substantive functions after the accreditation of the Universidad del Norte Medical School from the perception of students, period 2019-2020. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 13(2), 40–55. https://doi.org/10.26885/rcei.13.2.40



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