Practices in educational research of teachers of Private University year 2020
teaching, practice, educational researchAbstract
The objective of the research was to describe the research practices that are implemented in the Faculty of Education of a university. Educational investigation is a challenge of the 21st century, it means professional development, possibilities of generating knowledge and essential skills in the teacher who investigates. The appropriation of skills for personal improvement and knowledge, essential conditions to develop skills as a research teacher. Educational research has the purpose of seeking new knowledge and solving problems in the environment of the educational community. The research was carried out with a quantitative approach, descriptive, cross section. In the data collection, the survey technique was used and as an instrument the questionnaire. The population included teachers from the Faculty of Education, all teachers were taken, with 27 participants. The instrument was validated by Cronbach's alpha equation, whose result was 0.875, which meant very good internal consistency, and content validation was carried out by the Expert Judgment method. Among the significant findings, weaknesses were found in the practices of the teachers, such as the scarce use of bibliographic managers, the little participation in research projects, the lack of skills for the basic management of statistical tools. In addition to a low percentage of teachers who publish scientific articles, as well as their participation in scientific events. According to the results obtained, it is concluded to encourage and promote spaces for participation by teachers in the research activity for the production of knowledge.
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