Constructionism in higher education is “the art of knowing how to communicate what has been learned”. A teaching experience
constructionism, constructivism, teaching innovation, teaching-research-extension articulationAbstract
Constructionism takes up the contributions of constructivism and the theories of genetic social psychology and recognizes that the function of language is the construction of human worlds, acquiring meaning from social interaction. The objective of the study was to identify communication skills, determine student adherence and determine the perception of the implemented strategy. The applied methodology was descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional. The non-probabilistic convenience sample, where 40 students from the Kinesiology and Physiotherapy Programs participated, developed radio programs. Data were collected through a closed questionnaire and analysis of academic performance. The results reveal that 92% of the students fulfill the capacity of knowing how to communicate what they have learned to the society. Similarly, the adherence of the students to this learning strategy was 100%. Likewise, the student’s perception of the contribution of this activity to their professional development is positive in 80%. Therefore, the results show that the innovations applied using information and communication technologies, such as Facebook and radio broadcasting, with the support of teachers and the press, facilitated the active participation of the students in this challenge. Among the competencies that university students should achieve are knowing how to communicate, interact and relate to people. In the research, the vast majority stated that they had achieved this competence, corroborating the results of academic performance.
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