Characteristics of the Judicial Procedures of the Paraguayan Electoral System




paraguayan electoral system, judicial procedures, electoral procedural code


The article addresses the characteristics of the judicial procedures of the Paraguayan electoral system. First, it contextualizes the importance of electoral systems and their organization as a public service, highlighting the principles of pluralism, competitiveness and equity. Then, it describes the Paraguayan electoral system, its evolution since the fall of the dictatorship in 1989 and the establishment of the Electoral Jurisdiction since the 1992 Constitution, which granted constitutional rank to the Electoral Justice. The two types of jurisdictional processes are explained: the common process and the special or risk process, detailing their characteristics and procedural deadlines. The importance of differentiating the legal electoral deadlines from the electoral procedural deadlines is highlighted. In addition, the common aspects and differences between both procedures are analyzed, highlighting principles such as immediacy, concentration and celerity in electoral matters. It also discusses the weaknesses of the current model, such as dispersed legal norms and the need to improve the electoral procedural system, according to the recommendations of the European Union Electoral Observation Mission. Finally, it is concluded that, although there have been advances in legislation, an autonomous legal body regulating the electoral procedural norms is necessary to consolidate a solid electoral system and avoid deficiencies, gaps and ambiguities.


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Author Biography

Godofredo Fleitas, Justicia Electoral, Tribunal Electoral de Ñeembucú. Pilar, Paraguay

Magistrado del Fuero Electoral desde el año 2016. Abogado y Escribano Público por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la UNA. Magíster por la Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”, Especialista en Elecciones por el IIJUNAM – México. Diplomado en Elecciones, Representación Política y Gobernanza Electoral, Reglas, Actores, Procesos e Innovación Democrática por el IIJUNAM, México. Docente Universitario de grado y postgrado, Docente de la Escuela Judicial, Docente de IPEL-TSJE. Facilitador de EFPML TSJE. Docente en la Maestría del IAEE y ECEMFAER FF. AA.


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How to Cite

Fleitas, G. (2024). Characteristics of the Judicial Procedures of the Paraguayan Electoral System. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 13(1), 108–125.



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