Formal functional analysis of the guaranias of José Asunción Flores


  • Ricardo Ramón Arriola Fretes Universidad Iberoamericana, Facultad de Postgrados. Asunción, Paraguay.



guaranias, José Asunción Flores, análisis formal, música paraguaya, funciones formales


Previous gaps in the analysis of the works of the prominent guaranias composer, José Asunción Flores were addressed. The study focused on describing the formal functional functions in guaranias from three perspectives: harmonic, motivic, and formal labels. A qualitative approach with a descriptive scope and hermeneutic design was used, taking Flores’ scores as the unit of analysis and documentary observation as the data collection technique, with a documentary analysis guide as the instrument. The analyzed Guaranias included works with texts by Manuel Ortiz Guerrero, Félix Fernández, Rigoberto Fontao Meza, and Carlos Federico Abente. The results revealed Flores’ harmonic preferences, including perfect cadential progressions and other variations, as well as a limited use of dissonances and the absence of modulations. His inclination towards headless rhythmic models, along with the use of repetition, variation, and contrast, stood out. Additionally, his preference for binary forms and the use of framing functions were evident.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Ramón Arriola Fretes, Universidad Iberoamericana, Facultad de Postgrados. Asunción, Paraguay.

Doctorando en Educación, Magister en Metodología de la Investigación, Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación Musical, Licenciado en Música con énfasis en Dirección Coral y Orquestal, Profesor Superior en Viola, Profesor Superior en Canto Lírico. Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción y del Conservatorio Nacional de Música.


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How to Cite

Arriola Fretes, R. R. (2023). Formal functional analysis of the guaranias of José Asunción Flores. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 12(2), 56–67.



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