Illiteracy in Paraguay
illiteracy, education, poverty, incomeAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the variable “Can you read and write? captured in the Permanent Household Survey of 2017 to quantify and characterize the illiterate population in Paraguay. The research is of the descriptive type where the analysis is made from the crossing of the variable, “Can you read and write?” With indicators of poverty and demographic variables. The results obtained show that the indicator is relevant when the population of 15 years and older is classified, since there is a large percentage of this population that finds it very difficult to enter the labor market. It also shows that women represent 56.4% of this population and that the group of people aged 30 to 64 years in conditions of illiteracy in rural areas, doubles their peers in the urban area. When analyzing the variables considering the poverty status, the illiterate population of 15 years or more, represented by 57.6% are not poor; around 201,400 people have a labor income with a salary that is less than the minimum wage.
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