Writing analysis in social networks of retired teachers from the Education Ministry: Facebook


  • María Amelia Britos Bogado Universidad Nihon Gakko, Paraguay




social networks, teachers, spelling mistakes, writing


A The study of the writing of the retired teachers of the Ministry of Education and Science of Paraguay in the social networks from the analysis of the discourse, mainly in the pages of Facebook and in the type of messaging of the groups of Whatsapp arose like a preoccupation, given that the language represents the sociocultural characteristics of the person and a writing with obvious limitations in the orthographic, grammatical and semantic aspect leaves much to be desired and above all generates a disqualification on the part of society, because the language is expected from the teacher cult, correct and delicate. The objective was to identify and analyze these weaknesses mechanisms to improve the quality of the writing of teachers in social networks from the continuous practice of writing. They were intentionally selected 50 text messages from both sources mentioned, retired teachers, including former directors and supervisors. The study is qualitative descriptive. The writing of the teachers is described from the point of view of the construction of the speech (organization of ideas, precision of the content), the grammar (syntactic, semantic and morphological aspects), the spelling and the punctuation. Errors were found in different aspects of the spelling and grammar, the highest percentage was in the lack of spelling and punctuation, as well as the low depth of the content of the messages.


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How to Cite

Britos Bogado, M. A. . (2018). Writing analysis in social networks of retired teachers from the Education Ministry: Facebook. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 7(1), 51–68. https://doi.org/10.26885/rcei.7.1.51



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