Teaching learning process, training and information and communication technologies
education, training, technologiesAbstract
We investigated the teaching-learning process, training in information and communication technologies, identified uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching-learning process, and the degree of training received in the subject.
The data compiled were provided by teachers, officials, and students of the Faculty of Philosophy, National University of Asunción, San Estanislao branch, San Pedro Department. In-depth interviews were conducted with members of the university community. The choice of the study sample was made for convenience in the period between June and August 2015. The categories of analysis studied have been the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process in ICT in the context of an institution of postgraduate teaching. The results show that educational actors have basic training in technology; use these tools to improve the quality of teaching and to support the usual technical activities. It is pointed out that even in the institution must expand the technological resources to respond to the needs of the context.
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