SDG implementation strategies in universities: a case study, Paraguay
strategies, implementation of the SDGs, university, ParaguayAbstract
The study aims to identify actions that allow strengthening the link between the university and the environment, aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDG), based on a case study carried out in higher education in Paraguay. Its main objective was to analyze the actions carried out by universities in relation to the SDGs, based on the relationship strategies applied to strengthen the link between the university and the environment. The type of research was descriptive, the approach qualitative and the design was non-experimental. The population was 57 Paraguayan universities, of which 38 of them participated voluntarily through managers, directors, coordinators of extension offices, cooperation, social responsibility, and linkage with the environment. The data collection technique was through interviews. The results reveal that universities establish activities related to the SDGs, actions at the service of society were identified, although they are still incipient. It is concluded that, although universities carry out SDG implementation strategies, they need to strengthen their management departments and have public policies that outline and accompany the actions of higher education institutions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Matilde Duarte de Krummel, Viviana Elizabeth Jiménez Chaves
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