The teaching function and the planning for the achievement of the profile of graduate in chemical engineering


  • Dolores Vélez Jiménez Universidad España de Durango
  • Manuel Soto Licona



Teaching function, planning, graduation profile.


The teaching function and the graduate profile in Chemical Engineering was intended as a study to serve as an example to investigate other professional careers, in such a way that higher education is strengthened in the substantive function of teaching and effectiveness in the profile of your graduates. For the research three dimensions of the teaching function were proposed: class planning, the implementation of teaching strategies and professional updating. The methodology that framed this Educational Research uses the Positivist Paradigm, the Quantitative Method of Deductive Reasoning and the Empirical-Analytical Approach. The graduation profile must be evidence of having completed a study plan within a Higher Education Institution. Terminal students in this career belonging to five institutions in Mexico were surveyed. The results in relation to the teaching function showed that class planning for the acquisition of knowledge prevails more than the development of skills related to the graduate profile in the Chemical Engineering career. Teaching and teaching strategies are important elements to achieve the objectives in each subject of a study program. The updating by the teachers is not more relevant than the planning and application of strategies, however; refers an enriching part for the formation of the students, therefore; it is recommended to reinforce teacher training programs at the higher level.


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Author Biography

Dolores Vélez Jiménez, Universidad España de Durango

Coordinadora de Posgrado e Investigación. Coordinadora de Nivel Postdoctorado.


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How to Cite

Vélez Jiménez, D., & Soto Licona, M. (2018). The teaching function and the planning for the achievement of the profile of graduate in chemical engineering. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 7(1), 24–37.



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