Technology-based companies: a look at the instrument for the promotion of innovation in Paraguay
technology-based enterprise, innovation, competitiveness, technological absorptionAbstract
The purpose of this work is to identify some factors that could contribute to improve the PROINNOVA - CONACYT “Support for the start-up and creation of Technology Based Enterprises- TBE” instrument in Paraguay. For this purpose, a literature review was carried out as a basis for understanding the characteristics of the Technology-Based Companies, the analysis of the support instrument and a survey was applied to Technology-Based Companies in the country that have participated in CONACYT calls for proposals. The results show the need to characterize the Technology-Based Companies, as well as the need for greater precision in the conditions of this instrument for strengthening of these firms. Based on this, some recommendations are presented to improve the effectiveness and impact of this instrument; in addition to identifying the need for further research in the field of TBEs in Paraguay.
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