Evaluation of compost utilization for cucumber horticultural production
organic fertilizer, recycling, circular economy, agriculture, sustainabilityAbstract
To avoid compacted soils, loss of organic matter, superficial roots, reduced plant development and lower production, the use of organic fertilizers through compost is proposed. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of compost made from agro-industrial residues of vegetable origin on the dynamics of cucumber production and quality. The treatments applied to the plants were a mixture of soil and 150 grams of compost for treatment 1, 300 grams for treatment 2, and a control that was only soil. The variables evaluated were plant height, number of leaves, number of flowers and fruit quantity, weight, and length. The study revealed that treatment 2 could be an alternative to replace synthetic fertilization in cucumber cultivation since a positive response was observed in plant growth and yield. The use of agro-industrial wastes of vegetable origin for compost production is presented as an effective and sustainable solution for the proper management of these wastes.
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