Leadership style and performance level in school management


  • Olga Sosa Aquino Universidad Iberoamericana, Facultad de Postgrado. Asunción, Paraguay




school management, leadership, directors


The research aimed to analyze the leadership style and the level of performance in school management of the directors of educational institutions. The background to the subject revealed that school management that guarantees quality conditions is relevant to the leadership styles presented by principals and is related to their performance in the educational context. The research was carried out at the Middle Level, in the city of Fernando de la Mora in Paraguay. The type of research was descriptive-correlational, with a mixed approach. In the collection of quantitative and qualitative data, a survey and interview were used, as well as instruments such as a questionnaire and an interview guide. Reliability was tested with Cronbach’s Alpha and the validity of the method was based on expert judgment. The data were processed using SPSS software version 25 and Atlas.ti software version 8. The population was selected by stratified sampling. A statistically significant relationship was evidenced between the leadership style variables: transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire, and the performance of directors in school management in the dimensions: pedagogical-curricular, administrative-financial, organizational-structural, and community. The performance level of directors was obtained between good and efficient. The most frequent leadership style was the transformational style, at a moderate level, followed by the transactional style and a low level was found in the laissez-faire style. The discourse of the informants revealed the actions carried out by the directors in the different dimensions of school management.


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Author Biography

Olga Sosa Aquino, Universidad Iberoamericana, Facultad de Postgrado. Asunción, Paraguay

Doctora en Educación por la UNIBE. Magister en Educación por la UCA. Lic. en Matemática Estadística por la FACEN-UNA. Especialista en Curriculum por la UAA. Especialista en Evaluación en Educación Superior, INAES. Docente de postgrado en la Universidad Iberoamericana y en la Universidad María Auxiliadora. Tutora de tesis de postgrado en la UNIBE, Catedrática en Estadística, Atlas.ti y Taller de Tesis. 


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How to Cite

Sosa Aquino, O. (2022). Leadership style and performance level in school management. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 11(1), 9–24. https://doi.org/10.26885/rcei.11.1.9



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