The relationship between the postural disorder of stomatognathic system and lumbar spine pathologies in adult patients of the fisiotherapy and rehabilitation service at the Armed Forces Central Hospital


  • Katterine Nery Ríos Peralta Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, Servicio de Rehabilitación, Paraguay



stomatognathic system, posturology, lumbar spine, biomechanical restructuring


The Stomatognathic System is one of the most complex systems of the human body, it influences concretely other systems respecting the principles of bio tensegrity, since this system and its position influences the center of gravity to the point that the Stomatognathic System relates it to lumbar spine pathologies. The research design was experimental, mixed approach. The sample formed 40 adult patients of both sexes, between 18 to 60 years old, with lumbar pathologies. The primary source from which the data was obtained is software Al Posture Evaluation and Correction System APECS, version 1.84, complete evaluation in all planes plus flexion. Correlative numbers to safeguard the patient’s personal characteristics coded the cards. Each patient received 18 cards with different characteristics. In total, 720 cards were analyzed. The difference in averages of biomechanical changes in the anterior plane was observed with the average improvement of 0.9 ° in the experimental group vs. at -0.2 ° in the control group in the posterior plane, an improvement in changes of 1.3 in the experimental group vs. 0.2 in the control group. In the right lateral and left lateral plane, the changes presented an increase in the angle after treatment, which means that the difference of the before and after averages yielded negative data for the right lateral plane of -0.81 ° for the experimental group and - 1.41 control group. Pain significantly improved in both groups.


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Author Biography

Katterine Nery Ríos Peralta, Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, Servicio de Rehabilitación, Paraguay

Kinesióloga, Militar, Especialista en Didáctica Superior Militar, Especialista en Kinesiología Deportiva y Magíster en Fisioterapia. Se desempeña en el Servicio de Rehabilitación de las FFAA, con experiencia en tratamiento de columna. Docente en Universidad del Norte y Universidad Iberoamericana, en la cátedra Diagnósticos por Imágenes.



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How to Cite

Ríos Peralta, K. N. . (2020). The relationship between the postural disorder of stomatognathic system and lumbar spine pathologies in adult patients of the fisiotherapy and rehabilitation service at the Armed Forces Central Hospital . Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 9(1), 74–89.



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