Awakening of the scientific vocations, challenges and opportunities
scientific literacy, constructivism, didactics, inquiry-based science education, initial teacher training in scienceAbstract
The objective of this investigation was the bibliographical revision on the traditional models of teaching of the natural sciences. The improvement of learning achievements in natural sciences is an outstanding subject in Latin America. More than 80% of the students in 15 countries surveyed have not passed the natural science tests in the five thematic axes analyzed; Health, living beings, environment, and earth and the solar system, matter and energy, nor does critical thinking apply as a mechanism to solve problems in everyday contexts.
Given the difficulties of teachers in understanding how to effectively apply didactics in science education, this review has organized the empirical information, with the objective of contrast and find convergence between the various models, which allow to draw a path of opportunities for the improvement of the model of training and teaching practice in Paraguay where there are important gaps in pedagogy and contents of natural sciences.
The crisis of education is undoubtedly structural, however, in what concerns specifically the teaching of science is absolutely necessary to propose new pedagogical paths, understanding that a disciplinary knowledge not only comprises a set of contents, but above everything there are didactic procedures to teach them. Procedures that is defined and redefined in the light of the needs of the 21st century. The foregoing challenges us to rethink the teaching of sciences, with a new objective, universal scientific literacy and not to guide the necessary but important look towards the implementation of an adjustment in the curriculum of teacher training in natural sciences.
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