Study of the crime of child pornography in the current paraguayan legislation within the international context in the pandemic


  • Karen Luciana Martínez Rodríguez Poder Judicial, Corte Suprema de Justicia, Juzgado de Paz, Departamento de Amambay. Ciudad de Karapai, Paraguay.



child pornography, punishable offenses, computer crimes


The objective of the work was to study the treatment of child pornography in current Paraguayan legislation. The article addressed the international context of pornography, the protection of children and adolescents in current Paraguayan legislation, the historical evolution of criminal prosecution of child pornography and the dogmatic characteristics of the punishable act of child pornography. In Paraguay. The national and international research was carried out using a non-experimental, bibliographic, documentary review type design. Its approach was descriptive legal since the research aimed to describe the regulation of child pornography in Paraguayan law. The data was collected from national and international secondary sources. There was a 300% increase in reports of child pornography to the Public Ministry between 2020 and 2021. It is necessary to control and regulate unrestricted access to the internet without supervision of whoever exercises parental authority as a typical element in order to control virtual friends and shared information traffic. The main conclusion was that the criminal offense is incomplete since the responsibility of parents or guardians for unsupervised exposure to the internet is not contemplated, which should be included in the criminal offense.


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Author Biography

Karen Luciana Martínez Rodríguez, Poder Judicial, Corte Suprema de Justicia, Juzgado de Paz, Departamento de Amambay. Ciudad de Karapai, Paraguay.

Abogada, Jueza de Paz de Karapai, Magister en Derecho, Doctoranda en Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana.


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How to Cite

Martínez Rodríguez, K. L. (2023). Study of the crime of child pornography in the current paraguayan legislation within the international context in the pandemic. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 12(2), 89–99.



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