Use of literary figures in Dembow’s compositions


  • Francisco González Corporán Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña, Recinto Urania Montás. San Juan de la Maguana, República Dominicana



Dembow, literary figures, urban music


This research study takes music and its literary input as a reference, in addition to its social content, in this case, the dembow that was consolidated in the Dominican Republic from the second decade of the century. XXI with exponents such as Monkey Black, Secreto, El Mayor, El Alfa, Mozart la Para, La Materialista and Pablo Piddy. For this descriptive study, a checklist was drawn up with literary figures classified into phonics, thought and tropes, then the instrument was applied to each of the ten songs selected under the criteria of time, genre and visits on You Tube. This was made with the objective of characterizing the use of literary figures in the selected dembows. The study concludes that dembow is a literary expression in substance and form, due to the use of figures and its persuasive content, its consumers are exclusive and its lexical heritage is limited, for this reason they use figures of repetition more frequently. Finally, it should be instructed so that the songs have more literature and less transgressive content, due to their influence on the thinking of young people in the Dominican Republic.


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Author Biography

Francisco González Corporán, Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña, Recinto Urania Montás. San Juan de la Maguana, República Dominicana

Licenciado en Educación Básica, Segundo Ciclo, Lengua Española y Ciencias Sociales por ISFODUSO. Magíster en Estudios Avanzados de la Lengua, la Comunicación y sus Patologías, Universidade Da Coruña. Actualmente cursa una maestría en Lengua Española y Literatura en ISFODOSU, donde es docente e investigador.


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How to Cite

González Corporán, F. (2023). Use of literary figures in Dembow’s compositions. Revista Científica Estudios E Investigaciones, 12(1), 67–75.



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