Use of learning virtual platforms for music teachers at the National University of Asuncion, years 2015 to 2018
The objective of this research was to describe the improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the training of Music Teachers with the use of virtual learning platforms as spaces for didactic interaction, at the National University of Asunción. The adopted methodology was descriptive with a quantitative approach. For the data collection, a questionnaire was developed, which was applied to teachers and students. The population consisted of approximately 246 students, according to the semester enrollment, 36 teachers, the director of the career, and 5 technical teachers of the Bachelor of Music degree from March 2015 to December 2018, in other words, 8 academic semesters. The most significant results of the study concerning teachers indicated that they have knowledge about Virtual Learning Environments (VAS) and distance courses, they also have experiences in the use of digital platforms for educational and academic purposes in a high index. The students presented a performance considered "medium" in terms of their capacities for the educational use of ICT. Its capabilities in word processing, use of the internet, and e-mail stand out as high, concerning the administration of the computer system, electronic spreadsheet processing, use of multimedia communication tools, it is estimated as medium level and administration database as low level of capabilities. In general, their performance is on average.
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