Ethical Aspects

The Revista Científica Estudios e Investigaciones adheres to the Ethical Conduct and Good Publication Practices of:

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

- Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing 

- Core practices 

- Authorship and AI tools

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

- Transparency & best practice

The journal is committed to reporting inappropriate ethical conduct to guarantee the integrity of the research.

Only articles that comply with the ethical principles established in the universal regulations regarding autonomy (free and voluntary participation with informed consent), that have social and scientific value, do not produce any harm, and show justice in the equity of participation of the study subjects will be published.

It will be verified if there is any Conflict of Interest which should be indicated in the Letter of Authorship, in addition to the Declaration of Contribution of each author and the Financing received.

The journal uses similarity-checking software to examine submissions. If plagiarism is identified, guidelines established by the university will be followed. Up to 20% similarity is accepted. If plagiarism is proven, the article will be rejected regardless of the editorial stage it is in, following the guidelines established by the university and COPE

All necessary corrections and/or retractions will be handled on a case-by-case basis according to the protocol developed by COPE.